the bright side.
We wear our conscious sunglasses
to hunt around the world the best practices and sustainable solutions.
They represent exactly what we mean:
they are made of things that are already out there, upcycled and just reimagined!

When we enjoy the Spring weather with a nice pic-nic we use reusable dishes and we bring home our litter.

Stella McCartney bag made of Alter Mat,
a non-plastic vegan material.
Nowadays, gOOOd, compassionate and cruelty-free alternatives to put on an easter tableare are so easy to find.
Maybe you can try to make a vegan Easter "Lamb" Cake, or switch something (even a little something!) of your Easter lunch looking at these wonderful recipes of Cucina Botanica!

of things around you!
Until next time,
with love,
Your gOOOders team