Do you like glitter, or are you lying?
Glitter sparkles up every boring day,
it brings the glow to every outfit.
But glitter is also a huge biohazard for our environment.
Have you ever wondered where all those tiny colorful glitters go? Yeah, you guessed it: into our precious water.
Glitter is made of plastic, so if they flow into the oceans, rivers and lakes they become a real problem - like straws or polyester.
So, we can't use glitter anymore?
Fear not, sparkly gOOOders.
full of bioglitter,
plastic free and biodegradable!
You can wear it as a necklace or set your glitters free!

Image Courtesy of TheSparkleEffect.
They are not a danger for the environment,
you can use them however you like.

Image Courtesy of TheSparkleEffect.
Apply them on your eyelids, powering up your makeup, or on your face, even on your hair!
The thing is, World Water Day has just passed, so there's no better time to remember to protect water and the marine ecosystem.
We're gOOOders, we shine from a gOOOd light
that will not harm Mother Nature.
One more thing to say: shine bright like a gOOOder!
Until next time,
with love,
Your gOOOders team